FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - 2006-03-28 OpenPKG GmbH established to provide commercial services to business customers of OpenPKG, the Open-Source cross-platform multiple-instance Unix software packaging solution. -- Munich, DE -- 2006-03-28 -- After resource consolidations and organizational restructuring during 2005, the Open Source software project OpenPKG is proud to finally announce the establishment of the OpenPKG GmbH, a sibling organization with the dedicated goal of providing commercial services to OpenPKG business customers. The corporation was founded by Ralf S. Engelschall and Thomas Lotterer in December 2005 to finally meet the long-standing demands in the OpenPKG community. The corporation is able to provide project management, consulting, development, deployment, training, support, maintenance and operation services to OpenPKG and Unix business customers. The OpenPKG Project (.org) is now complemented by the OpenPKG GmbH (.com) and the OpenPKG Foundation e.V. (.net). This is visually reflected with the three new independent websites launched today, too. ABOUT OPENPKG For 5 years OpenPKG has been the undisputed world leading instrument for deployment and maintenance of Open Source Unix software when administration crosses platform boundaries. The unique OpenPKG architecture leverages proven technologies like Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) and OSSP and GNU components to establish a unified software administration environment, independent of the underlying Unix operating system. As of March 2006, OpenPKG consists of over 91000 lines of polished package specifications, resulting in over 950 freely available individual Unix software packages. HISTORY OF THE OPENPKG PROJECT The Open Source software project OpenPKG was founded in 2000 by Ralf S. Engelschall and first released to the public in January 2002. Today OpenPKG is a mature technology in production use. It is maintained and improved by its original developers and volunteer contributors. Its end user and developer community is organized in the OpenPKG Foundation e.V. while its business customers are looked after by the OpenPKG GmbH. HISTORY OF THE OPENPKG CORPORATION The OpenPKG GmbH is a sibling organization with the dedicated goal of providing commercial services to OpenPKG business customers. The corporation was founded by Ralf S. Engelschall and Thomas Lotterer in December 2005 to finally meet the long-standing demands for professional services in the OpenPKG business community. Official registration under German law was completed on 2005-12-22 and the business activities officially started on 2006-01-16. HISTORY OF THE OPENPKG FOUNDATION The OpenPKG Foundation e.V. is a non-profit sibling association with the dedicated goal of supporting the OpenPKG project with computing and manpower resources. It also organizes the social network of OpenPKG. The idea for the OpenPKG Foundation was born by Ralf S. Engelschall and Thomas Lotterer in January 2005. On 2005-02-09 the association was kicked off and official registration under German law was completed on 2005-03-18. Today the OpenPKG Foundation e.V. counts eighteen members and is open for more people from the OpenPKG community to join. MORE INFORMATION Ralf S. Engelschall OpenPKG GmbH OpenPKG Foundation e.V. Silnerstraße 28 Weblinger Weg 28 Weblinger Weg 28 85221 Dachau 85221 Dachau 85221 Dachau Germany Germany Germany +49-8131-56084 (CET) +49-8131-90626-0 (CET) +49-8131-56084 (CET)