[Mu] new istallation

From: Pascal ([email protected])
Date: Sat May 17 2003 - 18:57:17 CEST

  • Next message: ShadowRage: "Re: [Mu] new istallation"

    is it possible to connect to the internet with muLinux?
    all I want is mailing IRC and perhaps if possible surfing or ICQ.
    my laptop is a 386 with 6MB (don't know the English word, but is is the
    space which runs up at the beginning)
    and 140MB hard disk.
    thanks very much
    if you know a (perhaps german) tutorial how to install muLinux, which a
    win user understands
    I would be very thankful

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  • Next message: ShadowRage: "Re: [Mu] new istallation"

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