English cleanup & Sunsite.dk

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 11 2003 - 22:03:28 CET

  • Next message: Dave Houghton: "Re: English cleanup & Sunsite.dk"

    Hello List,

    Site's English revision

    A new subscriber (John Beck) offered me a fast cleanup of
    the rustic-english site's namespace.

    I just remember that another friend offered the same service, months ago.
    Forgive me, but I forgot its name!

    Anyway, a this url:


    you will find a file with the "diff -u" output.

    About my problem with Sunsite.dk mailserver:

    Sunsite staff answered that the only solution for me is
    to change ISP.

    The tin.it is the main mail domain in Italy. To easy to hide
    some bad guy in it.
    But I cannot change ISP. I have no time to go through this kind
    of burocracy, a this moment.
    And because I have this problem only with Sunsite.dk, in the case,
    I will move the list on sourceforge with less effort then
    change email address.

    Sorry; I well remember the last recent thread about changing
    or not the hosting and our final decision.

    Neverthless, if still
    Sunsite will give me problem with the list, suspending temporaryly my
    attitude for democracy ( under the low-water mark, today in the world),
    I will move the list on Sourceforge, where a mulinux list is still
    active, without further opinion poll.
    Si vede che sono incazzato, eh?

    (hey, Loki: stress your translator with this sentence ;-)


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  • Next message: Dave Houghton: "Re: English cleanup & Sunsite.dk"

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