Re: soundcard auto-probe

From: Werner Flügel ([email protected])
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 12:34:20 CET

  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: soundcard auto-probe"

    Daniel Butzu schrieb:

    > Thanks; will it work with mulinux?
    > daniel

    Knoppix is another Linux-distribution.
    You have been looking for a script to configure your soundcard.
    Maybe knoppix can help you, simply download the ISO-image, burn a
    CD from it and boot your PC. Then you can look, how knoppix does the
    automatically configuration. Knoppix detects most of the actual
    hardware, it is a great piece of software. It is also useful, if you
    only want to look, what IRQ or IO your hardware uses.



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  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: soundcard auto-probe"

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