muLinux and Palm (mugetty / pppd)

From: [email protected]
Date: Tue Mar 04 2003 - 09:02:48 CET

  • Next message: Michele Andreoli: "Re: muLinux on a thinkpad 360cs"


    Being a relative newbie in Linux world, I kept reading this newsgroup for several weeks. However, recent sleepless night :-) has made me to post this question...

    I am playing around with Palm-muLinux connectivity. I was quite successful in setting up Palm as ttyS0 console (via mgetty, with terminal application on Palm). Next step I wish to accomplish is a PPP connection.

    I enabled mugetty option (script) and set the parameters accordingly. After next reboot (btw - how to re-start daemons in muLinux in order to use new daemon configuration ? ) mugetty started to respawn itself. System logs show that mugetty (or pppd invoked by mugetty) was expecting "live" connection at its start time, and because it did found nothing (Palm was switched off at this time), pppd shutted down itself. But ... pppd was invoked with "respawn" option, so it started again, and again, and again...
    I forgot to mention that I'd been testing "direct" connection (no modems in the middle), so when Palm was off, there were no signals on ttyS0. However, pppd supposed to "knew" about direct connection (pppd with parameter "local")...

    My question: is there a parameter for pppd to wait for incoming ttySx connection? I was told that "passive" does this job in other Linux distributions. I tried it with muLinux but it does not seem to work.

    Best regards,

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