[mu TECH] Cat command and else

From: zaltar ([email protected])
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 13:01:22 CET

  • Next message: Jeroen Sangers: "Re: [mu TECH] Cat command and else"

    Well, if you remember I was trying to handle a mu floppy-based system. I've actually fixed the oldest problem I met, now Mu on startup load automatically USR and ask me for WKS floppy, since I decided not to use cloning for a while, just to gain experience.
    Quite good results for a newbie I think :) .
    Practicing with the exploration commands, such as "cd /usr/wks/doc" and others, I tried to read some file typing "cat filename", but the file was too long and Mu showed up on the screen only the last part. If I want to read confortably the whole doc I have to add " | more" to the "cat filename" command?
    Another question: how can I launch some program, such as lynx to read the file "readme.html" in "/usr/wks/doc"?
    See ya, Zaltar.

  • Next message: Jeroen Sangers: "Re: [mu TECH] Cat command and else"

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