Re: [mu Setup] Login or Maintanance choice

From: Jeroen Sangers ([email protected])
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 10:08:15 CET

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    zaltar <[email protected]> wrote:
    > As I've already wrote the nice commands described in a smiling white
    > text block right up the login line, I mean 'help', 'info' & Co, shows
    > functions that I cannot use and I don't know why I can't. Maybe I
    > mistake somewhere, but where exactly is hard to say.
    > Tell me if I'm wrong. Well, lilo does its duty then I get the login
    > line, ok? I have to enter 'root' or what? I tried to enter 'root' but
    > those commands ('help' and so on) didn't work, why?
    > It's kinda hard the trip from Win to Linux, fellas! Anyway I think it
    > worths, doesn't it?
    > Waiting for your reply,
    > Zaltar.

    The fact that these commends are not available makes me think that the /usr
    filesystem is not mounted. If you haven't started in maintenance mode, maybe
    you answered no to the question whether you want to mount /usr during your

    Kind regards,

    Jeroen Sangers

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