Re: [mu SETUP] problems with setup on thinkpad 360

From: Vesa-Pekka Palmu ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jan 21 2003 - 14:03:56 CET

> and then it continues in setup mode till the next freeze. After several
> freezes and restarts, I've even been able to see login prompt, but the
> computer got stucked on it. There was a time when I have even succeeded to
> login and start elvis and then... it stopped.

Is it possible that the hd has bad sectors? Run scandisk in dos to

And you could try to clone it staright to the hd, I thnik there was a
.bat script to start the installation process straight after the boot as
what I have understood, you have the files on the hd but are running
on ramdisk or do you have a umsdos installation?

and if you have a umsdos installation you could try using the kernel
compiled by me, avaible at the mulinux homepage, as it is compiled
for my thinkpad, but it has one major flaw that I noticed too late, it
lacks initrd support, as I compiled it for already running hd clone.

Also disapling all APM features of the bios could help, but as I
remember I didn,t have any problems with APM execpt the
hibernation, which reboots the system on resume.

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