RE: Til [email protected]

From: Schiehallion, Telecomms ([email protected])
Date: Fri Oct 04 2002 - 12:59:54 CEST

In defence of this mailing list.

Yes Viruses and Spam are annoying. However this list provides
enthusiasts with valuable a information service, for which I for one am
extremely grateful. I find I am prepared to manually sift through to dig
out what I want and merely delete the unwanted.

Should anyone find this too much they could easily unsubscribe.
Viruses and Spam are examples of the disruption that linux can go a long
way to bringing under control.

Adrian Wells

-----Original Message-----
From: CH [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 04 October 2002 08:18
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Til [email protected]

Einen wunderschonen Tag erlaub ich mir zu wunschen.
Am Fri, 04 Oct 2002 stand also da Re: Til [email protected]:

>> I wonder if that annoying things will get under control...
>> Is that the only advantage of that mailing list?
>Nope. Reading the same complains everytime is another add-on... 8-)
Then stop viruses and spam.
If you can't do it, stop answering to me, I'm not sending viruses.

>I agree with you, but there's nothing we can do about sunsite. It's
Who is ,we'? Plural majestatis?

>We can move to YahooGroups, where Michelle can control almost
I wonder what she is doing all the time, this famous Michele.
If it's to much work for her?
This kind of service is no service at all.

>But your mail will get even more spam than here.
Just the same what you are doing?
If there are some idiots who cannot get contol over their system,
else should stand it wether there is spam or virus each day?
Why not sending complains for those who send viruses can stop it?
Agreeing to terrorism?

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