Re: [Req #1045] Virus on the muLinux mailing list

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer ([email protected])
Date: Thu May 09 2002 - 18:21:11 CEST

On Thursday 09 May 2002 09:30, [email protected] wrote:
> > > Michele> It is possible simply to refuse emails with attachments in
> > > this Michele> mailing list? Pure text format would be the best.
> > >
> > > That is tricky. However we can enforce that the posts _has_ to to be
> > > in text/plain format. This might lead to others getting
> > > bitten. This will make sure that only mail with content-type:
> > > text/plain will get through to the list ?
> Karl-Heinz Zimmer wrote:
> > what about the following: Allow all messages which are either having
> > top level Content-Type=3Dtext/plain or
> > Content-Type=3Dmultipart/alternative while containing a text/plain part
> > in their multipart section?
> >
> > By doing so we could receive all mails that are either just plain text
> > _or_ are a combination of plain and html text - and there are _lots_
> > of mails of the 2nd type.
> >
> > Would that be possible?
> Yes, and there are _lots_ of viri and spam mails.
> This is not about 'majority vote' driven by the masses of lowest common
> denominator.
> What are your good reason(s) to post html text ?

Sorry about cag irritation: I do _not_ send HTML messages, believe me! :-D

However there are lots of people sending HTML because some Windowls MUAs
by default send HTML and plain text in Multipart/Alternative messages.

Of course my MUA is configured not to show the HTML but just the plain text
version of such content and I assume many people set up their proggrams the

My asking whether it might be possible to have a /smart/ filter which would
only stop messages _without_ plain text content was only an idea of mine
how to get a more perfect solution: If that's not possible I have no
problems with the first proposal: for me it is OK to get only the messages
which have a top level Content-Type=text/plain.



> -- Chris Glur.
> * no html
> * no attatchments
> * no top posting
> * no 'line wrap expectation'
> Resist the M$, Macdonald, Disney: 'dumbing down mentality' !
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Karl-Heinz Zimmer, Senior Software Engineer, Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
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