RE: [mu SETUP] Getting X to work on an old Mitac 4022 Laptop.

From: Peter Nunn ([email protected])
Date: Sun Mar 10 2002 - 13:13:01 CET

Thanks for the message stephen, but so far no luck.

I tried adding ct65525 to the chip set statement, hacked around the config
file quite a bit, and dredged the web and dejanews but still can't get it to

I just looked at the XF86 site and discovered no binaries for mulinux so I'm
really running out of ideas.

How did you get a now version of XF86 on your machine? To install the
source would take a week on this old thing.

Its very frustrating, because other than this, its looking really good.

It seems that this chipset isn't amongst the ones supported by this distro.
of mulinux (its not listed when X tries to start among the mono devices).

Anyone got any ideas??



> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of
> Stephen Isard
> Sent: Saturday, 9 March 2002 2:28 AM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: [mu SETUP] Getting X to work on an old Mitac 4022 Laptop.
> Peter Nunn wrote:
> > I have now got a totally minimal setup with just one screen
> resolution and
> > one driver definition but I am now getting errors about
> 'generic' being an
> > invalid chip set.
> >
> > Is there anything I can use to probe the system and help me setup X?
> Have you tried commenting out the "Chipset" line in your
> I don't think it's required in all cases. Maybe the driver can figure
> out which chipset you have on its own.
> Apart from that, a quick google search says that the MITAC 4022 has the
> Chips and Technologies 65525 chipset and XFree86 claims to support that
> from at least version 3.3 onwards. I don't know which XFree86 mu comes
> with (I replaced mine for some reason I can't remember anymore), but you
> can get a newer one if necessary.
> The XFree86 Howto provides good advice -
> for a 1999
> version that won't confuse matters by referring to drivers too new to be
> compatible with the rest of mu. He recommends the xf86config program
> that comes in RedHat XFree86 packages for generating an XF86Config file
> matching your hardware. RedHat vintage 5.1 or 5.2 programs usually seem
> to work under mu, but they come wrapped up in .rpm files that you've got
> to extract them from. I don't know offhand how you do that if you
> haven't got a RedHat system available, but other people on this mailing
> list probably do.
> Good luck,
> Stephen Isard
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