Re: A trick: how to move a pointer remotely

From: Alex Wild ([email protected])
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 16:30:07 CET

Can you advise me as to what modules would need to be installed to get the
ESP protocol working??? and is this protocol routable???

hang on, I think you've just sent the answer???

[bored at work]
Alex ;))>>>>>>

>From: Michele Andreoli <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: Re: A trick: how to move a pointer remotely
>Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 12:20:06 +0100
>On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 09:02:06AM +0100, Frank Galikowski nicely wrote:
> > Hi Michele,
> > being at work I cannot check your trick , but I think you mixed the
> > and receiving part of nc in your two lines of coding. This has already
>been a
> > subject on the list.
> > Maybe you can correct this in your help, section unixtips.eng .
> >
> > The sending machine A adresses the receiving machine B with
> >
> > # dd if=/dev/mouse bs=1c | nc machine_B_address 5555
> >
> > receiving machine B is listening at the port 5555 with
> >
> > # nc -lp 5555 | dd of=/dev/mouse bs=1c
>I think, the two are equivalents, in the sense that they works both.
>In your implementation, B is the server, A is the client. In the mine,
>B is the client, A is the server.
>Anyway, your imp. is more logical, because machine B, where the pointer
>live, acts as mouse server; so, it is better if it will act also
>as tcp server.
> > Hint for newbies like me:
> > Prerequisite for nc is a running connection between A and B.
>True, or that should be a sense-less experiment, based on the
>ESP protocol. But to use an ethernet cable in order to attach
>a mouse on a computer is very exotic :-)
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>they set a meeting time, the location changes. And vice versa -- Anonymous
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