Re: Linux distros

From: Christian Leber ([email protected])
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 18:26:28 CET

On Thu, Dec 06, 2001 at 11:17:04AM +0100, Michele Andreoli wrote:

> > > I still run my old Debian 2r2, but boot scripts in RH are trashware!
> > > Any way, only an opinion.
> >
> > You could upgrade your Debian relativly easy to a newer version.
> > (there are just some smaller things, because some packages have gotten
> > other names, nothing big)
> What is the last version?

Hard to say... there are actually 3 versions:

-stable: potato (this is version 2.2 revision 4)
-unstable: there are all the new things (i use this on my primary
 system, but i would not recommend it to everyone generally :))
 called: sid
-testing: there are things witch were 2 weeks without big problems in
 unstable amd do compile on all 8 or so architectures.
 called: woody, this will be Version 3.0, the freeze has began

I would suggest woody, with some packages from sid (for exampe galeon and/or
mozilla, the packages are good, and installing this manually is
uncomfortable... they are not included in woody because they do not work
on all architectures).
If you have Debian 2.2 you can easily upgrade to woody, the needed time
amount depends on your bandwidth :)

>What the kernel serie?

With woody and newer, you can choose between 2.2 and 2.4.

>I think, sourceforge guys always use and suppose the last version
> of any software :-(

The developers that are using sourceforge...
Yes it is right, there is a lot of work in a debian package.

But I think it is a good thing that new versions are often requiered,
putting much extra work in the support for old versions makes no seens
in the long run.

> If you do not have the last GTK+ library, the last GLIB library etc
> no hope to compile theyr programs.

The versions in woody are new enough :)

Christian Leber

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