RE: Linux distros

From: MPfeifer ([email protected])
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 07:39:01 CET

dear michele,

> Desktop is wonderfull, ok, but I'm unable to get working properly the
> server side. I think, even Slackware is better of RedHat, from this
> point of view. I'm ashamed, but even ftp-server I wasn't able to install
> and run :-(

you are a debian-user and thus are already using the best distribution.
why should you switch to something else?

the biggest part of all linux-users sooner or later end up with debian.
debian is the end point. no way back. nirvana;)

if you are looking for a wonderful desktop, you can easily upgrade to testing
or unstable. don't be afraid for stability, debian -unstable- is as stable as


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