Re: Spam

From: Vesa-Pekka Palmu ([email protected])
Date: Thu Nov 29 2001 - 16:49:48 CET

> OK you MailProggi filters that mail, but they still goes through the net
> and thats a thing i don't like.
> Because they blow up the nettraffic (!) ;(

I also have aplied some filter to filter (some) of the spam, but as
you don't know the contents of possible spam messages,
developing a 100% sure filters is impossible :(

And there is many thing nowadays filling the net with unwated
trafic, includin quite popular DDoS attacks using troijans and e-mail
worms :( I personaly fear what it is goingto be like when WinXP
gets popular with it's easy raw access to the TCP/IP protocol
allowing it to spoof ip's :(

"We are the Windows. Your life as you knew it is over. Your biological and
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Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."

Vesa-Pekka Palmu AKA Depili
E-mail: [email protected]
ICQ#: 12379430

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