[mu setup]

From: [email protected]
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 10:53:39 CEST

Some considerations about mu-linux installations
(maybe something go wrong?)

I tried to install it on "DOS mode", on fat32 (first
time) and fat16 (second time).

- Musetup can't recognise FAT32: it find .tgz file but
makes an error when tries open it. (use 12r2 version).
(maybe I used and old copy of dostools?)

- I installed on c:/linux directory (12r2 versions)
with all ADD-ONS but in Xwindows, when I try to run
NETSCAPE it doesn't start, and isn't show any error
(maybe WKS addon was not corectly installed?).

Any suggestions?


I'm sorry, but I NEVER studied English very well ;)
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