Re: OT: Something to think about.

From: Maxim Belooussov ([email protected])
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 22:05:46 CEST

Hello Richard,

I will not deny any of the atrocities the Russians have done to
Afganistan. Yes, it's true, terrible things. But what I would like to
add is that I've met so many Afgan people, who have been taken to
orphanage houses in Russia because they were "convicted" and were to
be killed by Taliban movement for being children of "opposition
forces". In the part of Afgani people suffering, I totally agree.

But what your relative's friend is missing (or rather withholding), is
one point:

There are other countries then Pakistan around Afganistan. Take India,
Iran, Uzbekistan, Kazahstan, Kirgizstan, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan.
Even Russia and India, for that matter. All these countries are not
really happy with all these negative Muslim fanatics causing so much
damage to Islam. Bin Laden wants the world to uprise against the
Islam, so Islam would boom (it just strives at the times of
suppression). The vital decision is not to give those terrorists a
chance in causing this damage to the world balance.

I personally think this "psychological" posting is a hoax and is a
typical Neuro-Linguistic programming of some sort. It's very subtle,
but noticeable. Please try not to fall for this trap.

And I only hope that military analysts in Pentagon are not lame enough
to take up the "challenge" and start a fully-waged war, because it
would just let the bad guys win, just like in the movie "7". And
_THAT_ would really be sad...

Best regards,
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