Re: How to install StarOffice in muLinux ?

From: Richard Holt ([email protected])
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 17:44:03 CEST

Hello Michele,
> I, for fun, added StarOffice and OpenOffice in a muLinux running from
> the CD-ROM. This is because Staroffice comes with its own set of
> libraries, included libc (it uses the LD_LIBRARY_PATH trick). Only
> some problem in the installation script, because some little unix program
> is missing in muLinux.
        This is interesting. Brings up some great possibilities.
How'd you do it? Would you, please, post the process?

> But yes, SO requires the resource of Word+Excel+Powerpoint+....
> together.
        StarOffice provides the resources of a Word+Excel+Powerpoint+.... package.
It has it's own native file formats, but can read/write/save MsOffice 97/2000, rtf formats.
There are cases where it is better at converting msoffice files than different msoffice versions.


> Michele
> --
> I keep trying to locate a meeting of Quantum Physicists. But everytime
> they set a meeting time, the location changes. And vice versa -- Anonymous
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