RE: Any C++ programmers out that that can compile tsocks?

From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 18:23:33 CEST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Could you please give a brief description of your DSL "modem"?
As most of the devices that are described by users as DSL "modems"
aren't modems, but rather are ethernet devices(usually an ethernet card installed in the actual client machine, leading to a hub, which then is connected to the phone "DSL" line).
I've worked with quite a few of these purportedly "windows only" devices only to find out that the only reason they're "windows only",
is the lack of knowledge, or lack of "official" support for anything other than windows.

>Reply-To: [email protected]
>Date: Tue, 07 Aug 2001 18:55:48 -0600
> Shawn Williamson <[email protected]> [email protected] Any C++ programmers out that that can compile tsocks?
>I've read the page on tsocks at I've tried to
>compile it, but it won't compile under Mulinux. (As expected, but I
>tried anyway).
>I compiled it under an older version of slackware with the same 2.0.35
>kernel and libc5. I did an ldd on the binary to make sure Mulinux had
>the same libraries and installed it, but I couldn't get it to work.
>(Yes I read the installation documents)
>I'm not a programmer, so I don't know where to go from here. Maybe
>someone out there would think this is a nice project to undertake???
>For those who don't know, tsocks, when it's working, intercepts all TCP
>traffic calls and routes them to a SOCKS server, so everything (mail!)
>is transparently proxied. That way I don't have to find a bunch of
>socksified binaries for my mulinux box (a wonderful 386 33).
>I know the best solution would be to pay an ISP, but I have DSL and the
>DSL modem only has drivers in Windows. So I'm forced to dial in with a
>windows machine. I have this nice HTTP Socks 4/5 proxy program I got
>free (AnalogX). I can use netscape and tell it where the proxy machine
>is, but I can't do much else. I know I can set up several different
>proxies on my windows box to go around several of the problems, but I
>thought the SOCKS way of doing it would be the easiest. At least the
>least number of programs running on my windows box for my wife to
>complain about. :)
>Anyway, enough of my ranting. Thanks for listening.
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