Re: Come pilotare la linux box con un terminale in remoto

From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Fri Jul 20 2001 - 20:25:56 CEST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) With the default unix netcat distribution comes a script named "bsh"
this could setup to point to a serial port....thus allowing a telnet style access without actually using telnet, hopefully on some ovscure port with a highly secure password...
as netcat is included with'd be a very simple matter to include this script (under 1k I think)
In fact I'll include it in the e-mail*grin*

#! /bin/sh
## a little wrapper to "password" and re-launch a shell-listener.
## Arg is taken as the port to listen on. Define "NC" to point wherever.


case "$1" in
  ?* )
  export LPN
  sleep 1
  echo "-l -p $LPN -e $0" | $NC > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  echo "launched on port $LPN"
  exit 0

# here we play inetd
echo "-l -p $LPN -e $0" | $NC > /dev/null 2>&1 &

while read qq ; do
case "$qq" in
# here's yer password
  gimme )
  cd /
  exec csh -i

Just be sure to change the reference to "csh" to something a bit more suitable for use under mulinux("ash")

>Reply-To: [email protected]
>Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 17:32:01 +0200 (CEST)
> Ivan Lloro <[email protected]> [email protected] Re: Come pilotare la linux box con un terminale in remoto
>On Fri, 20 Jul 2001 [email protected] wrote:
>(Gabri, te respondo en Ingl�s porque no todos los de esta lista
>entienden italiano. Yo lo entiendo por similitud con el espa�ol.
>Si tienes alg�n problema con la respuesta, h�zmelo saber)
> Hi Gabri,
> First of all, have you checked LRP (Linux Router
> Project)? It's a distribution devoted to solve problems
> like yours. Anyway, you can do it under muLinux if you
> really want so.
> In order to solve your second problem (managing
> without a monitor hooked to the router PC), you only
> need to start the telnetd daemon in mulinux and use
> any telnet terminal such as the one that is by default
> in Windows. If you are security concious, you must install
> sshd (not included in muLinux I think) and use a ssh client.
> For Windows, my favourite ssh client is Putty.
> Hope that helps.
>> Ciao da Gabri
>> Per risparmiare un p� di soldini ho deciso di farmi un routerino con una
>> linux box basata su mulinux. A tale pc sar� in seguito collegato un modem
>> esterno ISDN quindi dopo relativa configurazione per la connessione on
>> demand e instradamento pacchetti IP (ho pensato di fare una lista di IP
>> e se un'indirizzo richiesto non � sulla lista parte la connessione)
>> otterr� un buon router al costo del solo modem ISDN.
>> Il mio problema � che per ragioni logistiche non posso mettere vicino al pc
>> anche il monitor, quindi dovrei avere la possibilit� di collegarmi a
>> tale computer con uno schermo virtuale da uno degli altri pc che
>> purtroppo sono tutti Win. Quale programma potrei installare magari
>> client-server per tale scopo sul muLinux e su no Win??
>> Cosa ne pensate della soluzione sopracitata? Suggerimenti su firewall etc.
>> sono bene accetti.
>---8<--------8<---- Cortar por aqu� ----8<--------8<---
>La vida es como Windows, peta cuando menos te lo esperas.
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