RE: Interesting small browsers

From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jul 10 2001 - 17:32:32 CEST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) The only bad experience I had using arachne for DOS, was that arachne used the defined DOS temp directory as it's cache.
By default M$ DOS 6.2 defined it's temp as C:\DOS, so upon dumping ones cache one also dumps ones operating system software.
Very irritating, but also simple to fix.....
Otherwise arachne was the only graphical browser I could get running on those 2meg GRiD 386 notebooks I've mentioned so much in the past.

>Arachne has always givem me some trouble. Ie had bad experiences with DOS,
>Win and Linux versions. Most probably I don't perfectly understand how to
>get it properly installed or something. Anyway, I have to say Ie tried
>only very old versions (I did it long time ago)...


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