Re: fractured french

From: Joshua Hudson ([email protected])
Date: Mon Jul 02 2001 - 19:46:16 CEST

From: Dumas Patrice <[email protected]>
>>>Good news. But you will have some problem with accents, etc.
>>How about these ASCII codes (in hex):
>>82 ? > 85 ? > 8A ? > 8D ? > A0 ? > A1 ? > A2 ? > A3 ? > --

>In fact, I don't really know how all that works. I assumed that when I hit
>my keybord, it produced a eacute (in html syntax). However with some
>type, (for example the one I am using now), I see something else, like a
>greak theta. I know that is because my console is badly setup, but I prefer
>I think this is a problem because it is 8 bit ascii and not 7 bit, which is
>truly everything independant. And I also think that my ascii is ISO
>which goes on with the latin1 keyboard.
>But is it a problem with the text I type for muLinux ? Do I have to use
>kind of "encoding", for example e' e^ or a` in place of ????

I use a system-dependent trick to generate these two, and it seems that
does not like 8-bit ASCII. What you have to do is imbed those into a file
with expr,
like so:

# expr c 120 >> file

That will imbed e acute into file. It will not look correct unless you are
in console mode.

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