RE: HP Ethertwist

From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Thu Jun 28 2001 - 05:56:42 CEST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) I had some similiar cards a while back except mine had 5 "phone plugs" on the back........after tracing through quite a few tech sites as well as talking to a rather reluctant tech on the phone I found out that these cards were used as an "inter office phone system" where either voice and/or data could be transfered.(thinking they were "INTEL YP-10A"?? cards)
As the cards that I had had 5 ports these were (in my opinion) probably in some execs office where conversation could be monitored...
You might just as an afterthought check to make sure that they aren't "token ring" cards.......a lot of businesses used, and some still use token ring systems, we gotta' remember, even with the token ring Hub turned down to 4mbps an awful lotta' small text files can be transmitted

>Reply-To: [email protected]
> "Maarten van Vuure" <[email protected]> "Mulinux Mailinglist Sine" <[email protected]> HP EthertwistDate: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 09:44:17 +0200
>I picked up an old 386 from the street, people leave them with the garbidge while they are still working. I like to have a look inside and I'm a bit curious also. Often they even didn't format the hard disk! :-)
>In one of them I found an ethernet card, a Hewlett Packard
>27245A EtherTwist PCLink (Listed Accassory 34j0).
>Strange card, it has a connector for a Rj45 as wel as one for a Rj11 cable. At the conn. for the Rj11 it says 'Phone'.
>The card seems to be split up in two parts with a diagonal line in between. There is an AT & T chip,M-1820-6858 / 36389SS 74,
>on the part of the Rj11 conn. Also a set of belfuses, both 'hipotted' (don't know what it means) belfuse 8949 / S555-2940-00 and bel / 9007-S553-1006-AE.
>Is there anyone on the list who knows if it can be used as a kind of modem also?? As lancard it is working properly. (Under Win95) And Win95 has drivers on board for this card. But I couldn't find any information about the 'Phone' capability.
>Is the card 'Ne2000' compatible? I placed it in a machine I'm planning to install MuLinux also.
>Sorry for the long mail and thanks a lot for any info.
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