Re: Yes/No -> Si/No

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Sun Jun 24 2001 - 20:23:22 CEST

On Sun, Jun 24, 2001 at 10:49:41AM -0400, [email protected] nicely wrote:
> Michele is correct in not wanting to make the entire keyboard "live" for such
> user responses.
> Perhaps translate as
> ( Ja Si Oui Yes 1 --> y / Nein No Non No 0 --> n ) (y/n)?
> the first few times y/n is asked, and then later the user can be considered
> to understand (y/n)?
> (Assuming that those translation correspondences are correct!)

If the question is very important, is alway possible to add, in
translation, a note like:

"Please, answer 'y' in next question, in order to mean 'Ja' or 'Oui'.
Remember: the same rule apply in every other question during Setup "


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