
From: Jochen Cichon ([email protected])
Date: Mon Jun 25 2001 - 15:10:27 CEST

Anyone who likes MUX/MUSH or any other MUD...

I've downloaded the MUX2.0 Code compiled with Suse5.0
and bring it up to live with mu.

So a complete Server is setup with 3 disks.

1. muLinux Startdisk
2. SRV Addon (so we also have a web server!)
3. MUX Addon (complete binaries and some scripts to make life easier!)

Right now I don't know what the creator thinks about publishing his mux...
so up to now I can only tell you how to make and configure it... but I asked
him if I can put a
MUX.tgz to the web :)

So please tell me if you want to know more about it...

Ciao Joschi

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