Re: muLinux v12.0: translations

From: Renato ([email protected])
Date: Fri Jun 22 2001 - 14:38:49 CEST

Em 21/06/01, você estava dizendo:

>On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 05:16:09PM -0300, Renato nicely wrote:
>> May be, after I finished the translation, someone from Portugal can change some terms so we can have a polifractured translation in the perfect muLinux spirit.
>I do not fear polifracturation. I only fear the time where muLinux will
>begin to speak more languages ... simoultaneously. Think me: this is
>not an accademic scenario :-)
Do you fear something like a data Babel tower? I don't think so. Polifractured english is the new Esperanto that conquered the world. Mulinux is the state of the art in this matter.
>> A friend of mine, an old unixer, is also a philosophy student in a state university. We are now begining to start a pilot project to try using that old equipment in an interesting and noble cause: the teaching of Philosophy.
>Again: "Science ancilla philosophiae", as in the medium age?
Well, maybe we are going to leave the M$ stone age,
I know about you having not a good time with that italian philosopher.
This can late (fractured?) our Renaissance project.


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