Re: muLinux v12.0: SVGA X Server and Netscape

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Jun 20 2001 - 13:39:03 CEST

On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 12:50:05AM +0200, Roberto Román Hdez. nicely wrote:
> Hi
> I have a silly question about the correct manipulation of db file.
> Spanish is the fourth language in the available languages list. Ok . >

The list is not in a particular order. The file "availables" is NOT
searched by the query engine. It is only show during the "setup/lang".
It is an informative file.

>In this
> examples, which one is correct?
> 1)
> Do you want syslogd support? (y/n)
> ^A
> Vuoi attivare il demone syslogd? (y/n)
> ^B
> ¿Desea activar el demonio syslogd? (y/n)
> ^C

Nein! We have a file for every language: it.db, uk.db, es.db, de.db etc.
Any files contains the path
                rustic -> national

In other word, the rustic sentences are repeated in every file. They are
identical to those you can find in /setup/fun.

I did that in order to allow fast and parallelizing translation, of course.

I explained that in the files relnotes/RELNOTES.12r0.

This is because the "rustic" sentece is used as "pointer" to the
translated sentence.


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