Re: muLinux v12.0: SVGA X Server and Netscape

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Jun 18 2001 - 17:07:07 CEST

On Sun, Jun 17, 2001 at 11:49:54AM +0300, Stephen Kasirye nicely wrote:
> >
> > The release 12.r0 include the original support for multi-language. Currently,
> > only two languages: en (rustic english) it (italiano).
> > Maybe in the future, someone from the list wish to collaborate in translation.
> Do you want to change from Rustic to British English, or do you look
> forward to changing to other languages eg German, etc?

Both. The main scope is not only to have muLinux Setup in other language,
but mainly to experiment *cooperation*, in the free-software spirit.

What I would like is to have uk.db, togheter the actual en.db (rustic).
It is not possible to eliminate rustic english, because it is still
used as "pointer" for the translated sentences.
I.E: any translated-sentence is searched following rustic-sentence, in
a double-entry data-base. Please, look in /etc/lang, symlink to

Othe good translation are Experanto and Latin, if someone can.


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