Re: Cloning to HD

From: Jochen Cichon ([email protected])
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 12:48:47 CEST

> Because my 486 had only 7Mb of RAM and the SRV add-on hangs at 22% with
> glorious swap, I hav decided to use the clone method to install muLinux on
> the HD.

> I have choose a ext2 partition, the LILO bootloader, formatting, copying
> file, and the script fails because there isn't LILO on the system.

> OK, I have copyied LILO from another Linux in /bin and re-run the clone
> script, but it fails with lilo: not found !!??
> The strange is: in /bin there is a lilo file with 755 but I can't run it !
> I can't find the problem 8-(

Thats cos of the LILO binary is inside the SRV (!)

So without SRV addon no LILO binary.. I think the lilo you found is only a
link?! (am not 100% sure...)

A easy way (if you have less mem...) is to copy the lilo to a disk. (only
lilo and maybe mke2fs...)

After that start muLinux from the 1st disk.

$ mkdir /usr/srv
$ mkdir /usr/srv/bin
$ mount /dev/fd0 /usr/srv/bin

(so you don't need to copy to ram... hehehe)

Start the clone (should work) I think i does that in some earlier versions
of mu... anytime...

If not let me know... I'll wive that a try at home... but later...


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