Re: SETUP - Modem

From: A Mooron ([email protected])
Date: Wed May 23 2001 - 19:31:54 CEST


>I am not able to setup my Cardinal MVP144XF 14.4 Kbps DATA/FAX External
>modem in muLinux-11r9
> TR led of modem is on (Data terminal Ready), but the modem is not
> Modem disconnected
The TR light being on means that it is connected to a serial port.
Can't remember whether it means that the serial port has been activated
(i.e. serial.o has been installed) or not.
>the modem din't respond to any comands given using miterm also
This suggests that there is no serial connection to the modem...
are you sure that you are connecting to the correct /dev/ttyS[1,2,3,4]
(i.e. com port).
>I tried changing serial speed (reducing), and initial string but it didn't
>help. This modem in not winmodem
>and is based on Rockwel RPI . But the current modem setup worked fine for
>the Dlink 56Kbps modem.
Now that's a lot stranger... was that modem definitely plugged into the s
ame serial port & used with the same /dev file?
Have you done the setup -f port & enabled the serial ports?
Does lsmod report serial as one of the loaded modules?
>Can anyone please let me know how to make Cardinal 14.4 DATA/FAX External
>modem work with muLinux-11r9 or will it not work ?
It should work perfectly...
It just appears completely unable to talk to the modem...

Good luck,

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