mulinux question: monitorless diskless networked PC

From: Neil Zanella ([email protected])
Date: Tue May 22 2001 - 08:30:20 CEST


I currently own the following hardware:

- P166MMX laptop

Recently I decided to purchase some speed so I bought the following:

- Asus CUSL2 motherboard + PIII877 + 128MB PC133 SDRAM + CPU fan

I will put these in a box with power supply and ethernet card but there
will be no mouse, no keyboard, no video card, no monitor, and no hard
drive. There will also be a cheap floppy drive. Here is what I plan to do:

After connecting the laptop and the PC via a hub I want to boot big Linux
on the laptop and then boot mulinux on the PC. I want mulinux to do the
following as the system is booted:

mulinux should load the kernel into RAM together with:

- an ext2 file system
- X
- ssh deamon

After the kernel is loaded my laptop's entire hard drive is mounted via
NFS on a directory called /nfs.

At this step I ssh to my PC. Since all of my laptop is mounted I can run
all sorts of programs (e.g. compilers!) much faster than on the P166

At this point I want to run a gui based program on the PC but the PC
has no monitor so I need to view the output on the laptop. Hence I
do an export DISPLAY=laptop:0.0 and run the X application, hence I
need X on the PC (don't I?).

Now can I do all of this with mulinux and do I really need X on the PC
or can I do without as I have NFS? Is mulinux the best for this purpose?



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