Re: Commercializing muLinux? (was: Starting with muLinux)

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon May 21 2001 - 20:06:34 CEST

On Mon, May 21, 2001 at 06:44:42PM +0200, [email protected] nicely wrote:

> Cooperative work in the Internet. I don't know if the word «sinergy»
> means something for you.

I have no pregiudicial attitude agains commercial products, because
I strongly think that "commercial" do not means necessary "Microsoft",
or I'm wrong?

But the problem is real one, because GPL do not allow this mix. I do
not know if this is a limitation, or an exential component of the GPL
phylosophy. Someone think this is unnecessary limitation.

The usual workaround is to publish your work under GPL, keeping
a single limited part out of GPL. Example: I think you can produce
an addon for muLinux and to sell it, but your addon must not contains
free software, because you are limiting free software diffusion giving
less privileges of what you got from free community.

But if your addon is a good software, it helps the diffusion of
other free software working together with it, so I'm not contrary
(Staroffice was an example?)

But your software surely implicitly call X, or call the shell, or
finally uses kernel's system-call, etc, etc. so: how we can stop
the recursion?

> BTW, is an habit for this project to do this kind of interrogatory?

An interview is the minimum you can expect on a Linux mailinglist:
this is alway a boiling subject.


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