Re: [mu startx] only root can start x.

From: Stephen Isard ([email protected])
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 16:09:52 CEST

sukhdeep sodhi wrote:

> I tried running X on my machine over mulinux 11r2. All i get is a blank
> Sky Blue screen.
> When I check the /var/log/startx.log file, the error is
> "aterm: can't open pseudo-tty terminal"

Are you trying to run X as an ordinary user, as opposed to root?
If so, that's the problem I was trying to help with in my original
post on the topic (recently resent because the subject had come up
again). You can find it in the list archive at

If you are getting that error message as root, then I don't know what
the problem can be. I don't really understand the mechanism for
allocating pseudo terminals. However, my rather crude hack works for me
under mulinux 11r2.

Stephen Isard

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