Re: [mu TECH] muLinux on top of smallLinux

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 19:34:16 CEST

On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 06:24:48PM +0200, Jan Petranek nicely wrote:
> - how does the history in the shell work?

The good query. Take a look to the /bin/login script, yes: *script*.
This is a wrapper script, designed to emulate the "login" program.
It exec the "ile" command; the "ile" command run the shell
interpreter on the top. The history support is from the "ile" utility.

> - how can multiple users use the pion-utility?
> (up to now, it complains about not beeing able to write to
> /tmp/subdirectories, while /tmp is fully read-write and executable for
> all)

This happens if you used once "pion" as "root". Maybe, if you remove
the /tmp contents, it will works. Be aware: most scripts in muLinux
doesn't work as normal user, because scripting requires the root power.

Anyway, mixed environment do not help, as you may guest, because what
you are doing is not reproducible.


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