Re: muLinux and website on CD

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Apr 04 2001 - 21:36:49 CEST

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 12:44:26PM -0500, [email protected] nicely wrote:
> If I want to put my entire website and muLinux on a CD, s
> o that I could just ask the the PC to boot from CD and leave it,
> and the stuff would take care of it self.
> I'm not sure how to go about this in the smartest way.

Very easy. The "clone" concept helps a lot here. You simply have
to prepare a muLinux working system, with internal web server as
you like.

If you are using thttpd, the doc_root is /usr/srv/thttpd.
Put there your documents. After that:

        1. roclone
        2. move master.iso on the Windows
        3. use your favorite CD-burner

I have a SCSI HP cd-writer, and it works fine under mulinux with
the standard package "cdrecord". So, I only use 1).
The "clone" script freeze your system on the CD, -as is-

With the procedure described here, web pages are embedded in the
big ramdisk where the system itself belong to.

But, maybe, you would prefere to put the web pages in a
separated directory in the CD, for example html/ etc.
You can create a link in /usr/srv/thttpd to the directory, pointing
to /media/html. Indeed, at boot, the CD is mounted under /media.

There are some malfunction using this approach, because the CDROM
filesystem confuse a little the server: 8.3 filenames, etc.

As alternative, you can create a new ramdisk on the fly and copy
this directory in it, using the setup/local:

                mkfs.ext2 $device || exit
                mkdir -p /usr/srv/thttpd/html
                mount $device /usr/srv/thttpd/html
                cp -a /media/html/* /usr/srv/thttpd/html

How to create the html/ directory on the CD-ROM?
Pleease, read messages from "roclone": it offer you to put
on the master everything.


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