Re: Disk less webserver

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Apr 03 2001 - 09:28:05 CEST

On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 10:35:33PM -0700, [email protected] nicely wrote:
> Since it's Linux I'd expect to rarely reboot, but if I have to then how
> about using a ZIP for back-up of the website or FTP?
> The site is up to 15Mb so fitting it on the boot disk is out of the question
> for me, but quite a nice solution though
> (;->)
> Does the muLinux diskset contain drivers for mounting a paralell port Zip
> Drive?

I only used SCSI-attached ZIP

> Is it ricky to make muLinux automatically set up a ramdisk on boot?

Easy to do, but why? You can mount a small disk partition for this
purpose. Example: you can mount a CD-ROM. Put your website on a CD-ROM!


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