RE: Disk less webserver

From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Tue Apr 03 2001 - 03:44:55 CEST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Considering that it's a semi-common practice to run CGI's from a ramdisk for the speed benefits obtained from this, I'd have to say yes.....
I don't think I'd remove all the fans from the case though as heat seems to be any machines worst enemy..............
The only problem with this scheme being that all data would be lost upon rebooting the machine.
It might be an option to use a small hard disk or second floppy drive/disk strictly as a "web root" thus securing your data from loss in the event of any power problems..........
Another possible option:
If one absolutely did NOT require all the features muLinux had to offer on the base disk I'm sure one could make enough room to fit a small amount of content(a few hundred K) on the base disk........
And this could be loaded along with the / into the ramdisk as a normal part of the filesystem


>Reply-To: [email protected]
>From: [email protected]
>To: <[email protected]>
>Subject: Disk less webserver
>Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 17:36:23 -0500
>I'm trying to setup a small webserver at home but do not want the noise and energy cost of my full machine, so I was planning to us muLinux and put everything in a ramdisk and pull out all the fans etc from the old machine.
>If I have enough memory I guess it should be easy to create a large ram disk and copy all my webfiles into it, so that I can have the website running totally without disks and fans...? Any recomendations?
>I was thinking about FTP'ing the site to the ramdisk for convenience or use a Zip disk. Would it be possible/make sense?
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