Re: need help on vi

From: Alfred Breull ([email protected])
Date: Sun Apr 01 2001 - 10:54:14 CEST

At 17:19 30.03.01 +0200, Albrecht Kleine <[email protected]> wrote:
>> > Maybe, aynone else uses mulinux console and has another idea ?
>> How about Pico or ae? Don't remember what's installed on mu - I seem to
>> remember ae is just vi with a different keymap...
>What about e3 ?
>You could switch between 5 different keymaps....

Thank you, I'll try and test this. Also, I'll try and test pico
or ae, which were suggested by Richard Kirkcaldy.

Basically, my problem results from writing fortran programs under
msdos, mulinux and openbsd, depending on the amount and type of
data. Unfortunately, I can't copy the source code files between
systems, because each of the system uses a different ascii code.

>BTW next days I'll release a bugfix (e3-1.5). David Douthitt
>has pointed out some bugs related to e3's vi emulation.
>As usual you get an announce on this list as soon I'm ready.

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