Re: connecting to the internett

From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Thu Mar 29 2001 - 02:25:09 CEST

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) I'm running a similiar setup consisting of a dual celery 500 196M voodoo 3 2000(PCI) get X working I think you'll need the SVGA server included in later versions of linux, slackware 7.1 includes this in their distribution...... but then again, lately I've been wrong about as many issues as I've been right about*grin*


>Reply-To: [email protected]
>Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 21:52:42 +0100 (BST)
>From: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: Re: connecting to the internett
>On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, s wrote:
>> Really I wanted to find a floppy distro that I could access my other ext2 fs
>> with in case I needed to fix something when I couldn't boot. I haven't
>> figured out to do that from muLinux yet. But it has been fun just playing
>> with it. I can't get the email to work yet. But I am a complete mutt and
>> rna newbie. I will continue to plug away at it.
>I've not used newsgroups for ages so I can't help there. Mutt should be
>pretty easy, as long as sendmail is working.
>> I've got Redhat 7.0 running on one of my machines, but it had simple
>> hardware. Celeron 500, 128 mb ram, Diamond SupraExpress isa modem, ess1869
>> sndcard, voodoo3 2000 graphics, no printer, no cd-rw.
>Call that simple, I wish I had a proper graphics card and memory.
>> wvdial can dial in user, but you need to create a pppuser group and give it
>I am already a member of pppusers, is using setuid safer than running as
>root? I've got the full redhat 7.0 set on order, should help. Even the
>people at the local Linux Users Group couldn't help with that, either
>they're on a network at the uni or they leave a root shell running.
>> I also have Mandrake 7.2 on another machine, man, it was an easy go. I have
>I've never tried Mandrake, I've tried TurboLinux and didn't like that. I
>tried Corel, but it couldn't detect my weird mouse and I couldn't be
>bothered getting it working. I've just got a demo of Suse 7.1 from a
>magazine, it seems pretty good although I haven't tried to do much yet.
>> I still can''t get X or sound to work either. Don't know if it's a video
>> card or monitor issue, but again... will continue to try different settings.
>Well if you will use good video cards :-). The older the computer the
>better for linux, at least for setting it up.
>Richard Kirkcaldy
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