Re: connecting to the internett

From: s ([email protected])
Date: Wed Mar 28 2001 - 00:58:15 CEST

On Tuesday 27 March 2001 02:52 pm, you wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Mar 2001, s wrote:
> > Really I wanted to find a floppy distro that I could access my other ext2
> > fs with in case I needed to fix something when I couldn't boot. I
> > haven't figured out to do that from muLinux yet. But it has been fun
> > just playing with it. I can't get the email to work yet. But I am a
> > complete mutt and rna newbie. I will continue to plug away at it.
> I've not used newsgroups for ages so I can't help there. Mutt should be
> pretty easy, as long as sendmail is working.
> > I've got Redhat 7.0 running on one of my machines, but it had simple
> > hardware. Celeron 500, 128 mb ram, Diamond SupraExpress isa modem,
> > ess1869 sndcard, voodoo3 2000 graphics, no printer, no cd-rw.
> Call that simple, I wish I had a proper graphics card and memory.
> > wvdial can dial in user, but you need to create a pppuser group and give
> > it
> I am already a member of pppusers, is using setuid safer than running as
> root? I've got the full redhat 7.0 set on order, should help. Even the
> people at the local Linux Users Group couldn't help with that, either
> they're on a network at the uni or they leave a root shell running.

This is what I used to get mine to dial as user. Taken off WorldVisions'
archives from a guy named Peter. It worked for mine.

chgrp pppusers /dev/ttyS?
chmod g+rw /dev/ttyS?

now make the pppd setuid:

chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd

and it should work. Here is my settings:
ls -l /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/ttyS3
-r-sr-x--- 1 root pppusers 113428 May 14 14:55 /usr/sbin/pppd
crw-rw---- 1 pppusers pppusers 4, 67 Jun 16 11:42 /dev/ttyS3

I think setuid is a little safer than just dialing up as root.

> > I also have Mandrake 7.2 on another machine, man, it was an easy go. I
> > have
> I've never tried Mandrake, I've tried TurboLinux and didn't like that. I
> tried Corel, but it couldn't detect my weird mouse and I couldn't be
> bothered getting it working. I've just got a demo of Suse 7.1 from a
> magazine, it seems pretty good although I haven't tried to do much yet.

Mandrake is the sh*t! I hear Corel s*x, never tried it. Suse 6.4 was a no
go for me. Caldera didn't like my hardware, while kondura *hated* it. My
only real success has been with mandrake and redhat. If you want a darn nice
distro, good looking gui, very few problems, hardware support & compatibility
- Mandrake 7.2 and upgrade to kde2.1 and kernel 2.4.2. 8.0 should be out
soon. Can hardly wait.

> > I still can''t get X or sound to work either. Don't know if it's a video
> > card or monitor issue, but again... will continue to try different
> > settings.
> Well if you will use good video cards :-). The older the computer the
> better for linux, at least for setting it up.

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