Re: using parralel port

From: Spider ([email protected])
Date: Fri Mar 16 2001 - 20:23:06 CET

Well, I tried Michele's solution and had no "bus error" anymore.
I want to backup the files, not the disksectors, so I can restore to a
different kind of harddisk/partition.
Thanks, It's been a long while since I was really using Linux.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Stephen Isard" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: using parralel port

> Jef Knoors wrote:
> > Hello fellows,
> > I need to backup a hard disk and used:
> >
> > mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/dos
> > mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/temp
> > cat /mnt/dos/* | gzip -c > /mnt/temp
> I'm not completely clear what you are meaning to do here, but two things
> look wrong:
> 1) cat /mnt/dos/* is going to cat together all the files in the top
> level directory and that probably isn't what you want, especially if
> there are subdirectories. If you want to capture the directory
> structure of /dev/hda1, you should do something like "tar cf - /mnt/dos
> | gzip" instead. (You don't want "-c" with gzip if you are piping
> through it.)
> On the other hand, if you are trying to make a copy of the raw disk,
> boot block and all, then you don't want to mount it. Just do "dd
> if=/dev/hda1".
> 2) On the other end of the the ">", you may be overwriting the /mnt/temp
> directory. I'm not really sure, but that's what would have happened on
> early unix systems. On linux I would have expected a message saying
> "operation not permitted" (but I'm not about to try it myself to find
> out :-) ). Anyway, if you are intending to copy what is on /mnt/dos as
> a tar file, then you want "> /mnt/temp/doscopy.tgz" or some other file
> name of your choice. On the other hand, if you are trying to make
> /dev/hda5 look like a byte for byte copy of /dev/hda1, then you
> shouldn't be mounting /dev/hda5 and your dd command should be along the
> lines of "dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hda5".
> I guess there is a third possibility of making a byte for byte copy of
> hda1 and compressing it in a file on hda5. Then you would mount
> hda5, but not hda1, and do
> dd if=/dev/hda1 | gzip > /mnt/temp/hda1copy.gz
> Hope that helps.
> Stephen Isard
> > I get after a 5 minutes a error:
> > Bus error
> > Is that because they are on the same device?
> > Can I use 'nc' to put it on a harddisk on a different computer?
> > I have a parralel cable that can connect (tested and found OK in
> > dos)
> > Greetings, Jef
> >
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