From: Andrew Criswell ([email protected])
Date: Mon Mar 05 2001 - 17:38:16 CET
Hello All:
Thank you, GuidoSintoni and Ken Caldwell for your helpful installation
suggestions. Now, I must ponder what to do next.
If I understand you both correctly, on a larger machine, say my desktop with
132MB RAM and with Mandrake 7.1 already installed, I could boot the floppies
and clone the distribution to a directory, say /root/mulinux. Then, tarball
the /root/mulinux directory and copy it to my 4MB notebook.
But my notebook contains the following extended and logical partitions:
/dev/hda1 extended, /dev/hda5 Linux native and /dev/hda6 Linux swap. Other
than that, it is a virgin machine. So, how can I get the stuff copied over?
And once copied, how will I get the machine to recognize the distribution
from the boot diskette?
At a deeper level, if Mulinux prides itself on running on small machines
like mine, should it not also be able to install itself on these machines?
Thanks again,
Professor of Finance
Graduate School, Bangkok University
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