Re: RamDisk and proc

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 09:46:21 CET

On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 11:50:27AM +1100, Robert Heezeman nicely wrote:
> Can anyone tell me how I can put log files and /proc
> into a ram disk instead of on my HDD.
> I would dearly love to mount my HDD as RO so that it
> is not corrupted when I get a sudden power loss.

/proc is not a problem, because it is only a symbolic filesystem.
If you wish, with a little trick, you can have a mulinux booting
from your HD but totally working in RAM. Hope this statement is
clear enough: it will works exactly as the floppy-mulinux (in RAM),
but doesn't use floppy-disk.

You must clone using "roclone" (roclone), designed for system
running of a CD-ROM, but suitable also for HD or IOMega Zip.

1) run "roclone"
2) follow all steps until the step "make the ISO filesystem"
3) go in the directory called workspace. You will find a directory
   called boot/

This directory contains
        a) the kernel mulinuz
        b) the boot.img (the El-Torito engine)
        c) usr.img (your /usr in a single big file)
        d) start.bat

4) Copy the WHOLE directory boot/ in c:\boot
5) you start your new system with c:\boot\start.bat

The system is a mixed-system: / and /tmp is in ram, /usr is a loop
filesystem from usr.img. Mulinux never try to write in the file usr.img,
because it suppose to be on the CD-ROM, but you of course, you can.
But if you create a file in /etc (for example) it is loss after booting.
You can still create permanent files in /usr.

Please, report your impression.


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