Re[2]: mu[OT]

From: Alex Wild ([email protected])
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 16:31:54 CET

Hello Bob,

Friday, February 09, 2001, 2:49:09 AM, you wrote:

BR> Dave,

BR> It would seem that the creation of sacrafical windoze machines is becoming a way of life amoungst the linux crowd using cable&DSL.
BR> This is sad considering that while the service providers demand that we use M$ crashware they themselves wouldn't think of it.
BR> In my area two of the three ISP's are using "Redhat 6.2" and the third doesn't answer telnet requests so I have no idea of what they're using.
BR> I think myself that the system requirements are in place so that the crummy browser they also install by default (Internet exploder 5) will do something more than just lurch along before
BR> performing one of the
BR> now famous "illegal operations". 8^P
BR> Furthermore many ISP's also sell lemme' guess.

BR> *Well we'd "love" to give you the new speedy internet connection that no intelligent person can possibly live without,
BR> But your five year old system is just toooooo slow(phony sigh)
BR> I think you're in luck though because we just happen to have a brand new
BR> Netram 700, the newest greatest machine on heaven, hell, or earth.
BR> Integrated sound, video, modem, and ethernet this wonder has it all(big toothy grin)
BR> In your choice of decorator colors
BR> Ok that'll be
BR> $100 for cable installation
BR> $40 for first months billing
BR> $1295 for the computer
BR> $75 for cable configuration of this computer
BR> Will that be cash, check, or charge???

BR> Oh yeah, and we'll give that old junker of yours a decent burial.(resell, scavenge, or scrap it)

BR> winsor

>>Reply-To: [email protected]
>>Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 20:05:37 +0000
>>From: Dave Houghton <[email protected]>
>>To: [email protected]
>>Subject: Re: mu[OT]
>>On Wed, Feb 07, 2001 at 07:42:49PM -0800, Bob Romprey wrote:
>>> Over here on my side of the pond just the opposite is occuring.
>>> There's thousands of old boards being scrapped.
>>> You see in order to get a high speed connection (cable or DSL)
>>> The service providers have imposed minimum system requirements*grumble*(here P-166 32Megs and windows95/98)
>>> Anything less or other than and they will not do the install.....period
>>> Recently I had a cable setup installed at a location and when the time to do the install came, the installers (two chimpanzees in a truck) refused to install the cable modem because the customer
>>> "only" had a P-100............
>>Same minimum spec here for cable. I had to provide a sacrificial Windoze machine so that they would do the install, then swap the nic card to my 486 ('cause they register the nic mac addr) boot
>>up mulinux using dhcp for IP resolution and of we went no problem. Don't see what all the fuss is about :-)
>>Dave muLinux UK mirror
>>ICQ ...........
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It must be so nice to suffer with these sorts of problems!
My choice is a 28.8 modem, or, 33.6 or even a whacking 56K!
But only one at a time.
Adsl or cable modems don't stretch to the countryside in the uk.
And ISDN is, well, just highly expensive by comparison.

best regards


Best regards,
 Alex                            mailto:[email protected]
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