From: [email protected]
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 11:37:52 CET
> Put it this way, for the price these dealers are asking for 486 systems I can get a brand new Abit m/board, Athlon processor and haggle for some ram into the bargain. Typicaly UKP 159 for 486sx 200meg hd 8 meg ram, no cd, 14 in vga monitor. Preloaded with Windows 3.11, Microsh..t office but of course no original cd's.
> I've got cases and psu's here so all I need is the mboard to implement the router in the same way you are doing (plan 2 in your post to Michele). I'm going to use a boot rom on the eth card to implement startup via bootp so don't need fd, hd, or cd.
Damn! I had one two weeks ago (mobo and case), and had to chuck it away
while moving houses!!! And I'm in Sheffield! Oh, well, I'll keep my eyes
open :-)
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