Re: Re: [OT]Linux and ADSL?

From: Bob Romprey ([email protected])
Date: Wed Feb 07 2001 - 05:11:25 CET

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) Michele,

As the first file on my new server I've added "redir" a TCP port redirector.
It's named redir.tgz but is actually "redir.gz", I've tested it and it works under muLinux.(Compiled under kernel 2.0.30)
At a whopping 8.8k uncompressed I think this might make a nice addition to the server disk(if there's space)
The syntax of redir is a bit more simple than ipportfw.
And it's recommended at the IP_Masq resource
And at the IP_Masq apps site.(linked to from the above stated site)
I also have a UDP redirector if anyones interested (should work for ICQ and such behind IP_MASQ)


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