Re: installing mulinux without dos

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 16:56:35 CET

On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 10:56:29AM -0500, Sven Conrad nicely wrote:
> The installation itself needs no OS on the computer.

True. But the guy need of a set a floppy with Mu. It can create on
another PC.

The first floppy disk + SRV is enough. After cloned in EXT2, it can
install other addons.

As alternative:

        1. install Mu on a full-featured PC.
        2. Start the script "roclone". It create a master.iso
           image of mulinux.
        3. Try to put master.iso on a CD-ROM, using Nero burning,
           or cdrecord (if device is recognized and works properly)
        4. put the CD-ROM in the destination PC and reboot.
        5. at prompt, do "clone" in the HD, using EXT2FS model (with LILO)


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