Re: Re Lilo on the 1st disk

From: FRANZ ([email protected])
Date: Sun Jan 21 2001 - 02:09:32 CET

It's like a gift :) Thank you Michele. I'll be wainting for the next
version of muLinux with Lilo and E3 on the 1st disk.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mensagem anterior <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

No dia 20/01/01, 19:08:54, Michele Andreoli <[email protected]> escreveu o
seguinte sobre o tema Re Lilo on the 1st disk@1:

> > I'd like suggest, if it's possible too, about put Lilo on the 1st disk
> > (mulinux-??r?.tgz). Why? This disk could be the system disk and perhaps

> In theory, it is now possible, because in the last 2-3 releases I have
> new disk space on the first floppy (I removed the historic README.html)

> In the SRV addon there is the e3* serie. If I can, I will put the E3*
> serie editor on the first disk: in the last 2-3 releases no optimization
> work is done.

Franz Josef Mídia & Entretenimento

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