Re: Problems with Mulinux-9r5 - Can you help me?

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Tue Jan 16 2001 - 10:28:10 CET

On Mon, Jan 15, 2001 at 04:58:47PM -0800, Bob Romprey nicely wrote:
> Better forget trying to run muLinux on a 2 MEG machine :(
> I've got a pile of old GRiD 1755 notebooks with 2 Megs\80 Meg hdd, and have been able to successfully install and run "small linux" on them, but not without MUCH software butchery............muLinux just wouldn't even think of running.

In muLinux, the big problem is the bzip2 compressor: maybe the design is
not perfect. It take mega and mega of RAM when uncompress.

One way to solve the problem, should be to introduce a new model (mu -i),
with two floppy, boot simply gzipped.


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