Re: Kernel 2.0.39 released

From: Michele Andreoli ([email protected])
Date: Wed Jan 10 2001 - 23:23:46 CET

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 01:20:05PM +0100, Michael Gruner wrote:
> hi,
> today i read kernel 2.0.39 has been released.
> what about upgrading mulinux to that kernel? would it
> be a hard work to do ?

Someone still is working on the 2.0.* series??

Upgrading I will have these problem:

        1) no pcspeaker (it is for 2.0.36 and I'm not sure if it works
                with others)
        2) patches for SoundBlaster module changes

Problem 2) is the bad one, because the binary patch work poking in the
middle on the the binary module, at fixed location.

What are the news in the 2.0.39?


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